Monday, September 8, 2008

A Little Too Early

Well, I guess it is true that every pregnancy is different and every baby is different and same holds true in this baby's case. I had a little bit of preterm labor yesterday! We went to the Defeat of Jesse James Days parade here in Northfield and apparently all the bands, sirens, fake gunshots and cowboy princesses made this baby want to come out in a bad way (probably to tell me to get he or she out of there!) I started having contractions at the parade but wasn't too concerned about them since I've been having them here and there for the last 3-4 weeks. However, when I got home I laid down to rest and they were five minutes apart. Then four minutes apart and getting stronger. They weren't really super strong contractions - definately not the "GET ME MY EPIDURAL NOW" kind, but they were noticeable and more than just the tightening of my uterus. I called my doctor and away to the hospital we went. The 35 minute car ride was filled with contractions that were 2 minutes apart. At the hospital I was monitored and then given two shots of Terbutaline to stop the contractions and it worked! Yay!! I am 35 weeks along now, so it's a little too early for the baby to make his or her grand entrance if it can be helped. So, we'll let the baby bake for a couple more weeks before we go through that again!!!! Hopefully!!!

I was so grateful for the support that I had and so thankful for all the wonderful people I'm surrounded by, especially in a moment of quick action. Brian was so great and although I'm sure he was freaking out a little on the inside he was solid as a rock. He questioned whether we should go to the Northfield hospital instead of Woodwinds up in Woodbury and I told him that we were fine until my water broke and that I really didn't think the baby was coming today. He just stated that he did not want to make his OB debut in our car! Can't blame him there! My parents were up here for the parade and they totally took care of the kids with supper and bedtime, which was such a relief. AND they had to drive home last night after we got home so they could both work this morning - thank you Mom and Dad!! And our neighbors came over just as we were going to leave to say a prayer with us that everything would be alright. That was very special to us and we are so grateful to live next door to such incredibly kind-hearted and caring people. They also had Lauren over for supper last night and she played over at their house for the entire evening. Thanks so much Brenton and Stephanie!

Since I did not go into labor on my own with either Lauren or Josh, this was a brand new experience for both Brian and I. I didn't even have a contraction with Lauren until I was induced!

It is definately true that each baby brings a new adventure!


Stephanie Balvin said...

We are happy to help- We love you guys and remember all too well, that feeling of getting to the hospital. I am glad everything was ok, but secretly, I can't wait to hold that little baby, so I was hoping he/she was coming last night!

Miss Carrie said...

Glad to hear all is ok :)