Friday, May 15, 2009

the sock stand-off

Josh, our two-year old, and I are involved in a sock stand-off right now. I put his socks on him this morning and he took them off not soon after. Then he wanted to go outside, so instead of putting his socks back on him myself, I decided that he should learn how to do this since he LOVES to take them off. Apparently, he is not a fan of having to put his own socks on and has been throwing a fit about it for the last hour.

Hence, sock stand-off.

Now, I guess I have two choices. I could put his socks on him, but that really doesn't teach him anything except all he has too do is cry and whine long enough and I will do it for him. OR..... since we have a whole hour before we have to be anywhere, I can continue the stand-off.

I'm not sure who it's torturing more, me or him.

1 comment:

Stephanie Balvin said...

OR let it go, does he really need socks? :)