Wednesday, February 24, 2010

belated resolutions

So I have some New Year's resolutions. I know, it is WAY past New Years, but I really want to write them down and hold myself accountable for them.

1. Be more patient with my kids. This may sound like a no-brainer, but it's something that I really struggle with, especially when I'm in a time-crunch.

2. Watch the tone and volume of my voice when talking to my kids. I can get a tad bit snippy (okay, a LOT snippy) given the right (or wrong) circumstances.

3. Take some more time for myself. I want to do this without spending money!! It's easy to take off and go fun-shopping, but I want to avoid the whole "buying things = happiness" attitude. I think I might start running....I've heard that's therapeutic!!

4. Do at least one home improvement project this year. We were on a roll at our other house and now we've stalled. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day, but I love the feeling of accomplishment after we've changed something in our house!

5. Visit family more. It's getting easier to get around now, so plan on making the rounds more! But if we come to you, just know that it will be CRAZY!!

6. Get organized so I can feel organized.

7. Have a date night with Brian at least once a month. We were good about this starting last fall. It's important to stay connected! : )

8. Get out more as a family. Brian and I both need to realize that it will be crazy and it will exhaust us, but it will also be a lot of fun!

9. Buy bikes and use them - A LOT!!

10. Be fiscally responsible - who doesn't have that as a goal?!?!?!!!

Definately not a complete list, but these are some of the things on my mind. : )

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