Wednesday, August 20, 2008

No, I am NOT having twins!

I'm telling you that if one more person asks me if I'm having twins I'm going to lose it! For the record, I am not having twins. Yes, my stomach is huge. I am a short-ish person with a very short torso. There is no where for this baby to grow but out! I got asked by a person yesterday, ONCE AGAIN, if I was having twins. This person has asked me this question several times throughout my pregnancy. When I replied no, she actually asked if I was sure......ughhhh! Yes, there was a time when I thought maybe it was twins - like at 12-20 weeks along. I was SO sick and getting SO big SO fast! Then the 20-week ultrasound revealed that there is only one beautiful baby growing in my tummy. I am now 33 weeks along. I am over the illusion that there might be twins, yet everyone who doesn't know me well, but sees me often questions aloud whether there are multiple babies in my enormous tummy. NO!!!! And stop asking because it's giving me a complex!!!!!

The other thing I REALLY like is when people see me with Lauren and Josh and immediately gasp and say "Oh, you're going to be really busy." Thanks for the update. I know people generally mean well and that their reactions can't be helped in most cases, but come on! I feel the next question, though it has seldom been asked......"were they planned?" Yes, all of my children were planned. But does it really matter if they were planned so closely together or not? I had lunch with a friend of mine yesterday and she and her husband are on the "third baby fence," as she puts it. She is out of the baby mode and has had the sweet taste of freedom that comes with having children that have grown a few years and are able to do independent things, like put on their own coats.........I dream of such a time! So, is it better to wait until the craziness of the baby/toddler years is gone to jump back in the water or just stay submerged in the diapers and the waking up at night? Who knows. Everyone must choose their own path and then just hope and pray that path doesn't lead straight to the nuthouse!

On another note, I took Lauren and Josh to a store to do a little shopping this morning. I rarely take them both shopping because I usually can't concentrate on what I'm doing. But, they were both being exceptionally well-behaved this morning, so I decided to give it a whirl. We all did really good until the end. Lauren had a GIANT meltdown when we were in the checkout lane. I had brought a tape measure with me that she was holding and when she set it down to go arrange candy in the display, I made the mistake of giving it to Josh to keep him occupied. Way to go, MOM!! So, Lauren was literally howling, trying to steal the tape measure back from Josh, who started screaming his falcon squeal at the thought of having something taken by his sister. I must have really looked pathetic because the male clerk looked me in the eye and said, very sincerely, "You're doing a really good job"!! So, we left the store, Lauren STILL howling, Josh STILL squealing, and me feeling about three inches big!

Oh well, I guess we'll just have to try again next time.........


Stephanie Balvin said...

you make me laugh! Another famous line I loath is "Wow, you have your hands full!" No Sh***! These comments are not helpful and rally unless someone is offering to give a hand of their, they should stay quiet!

jerarbw said...

I agree! I have boy/girl twins who are two and just had baby #3 two weeks ago. So many people have made those "hands full" and "busy" comments that I have wanted to say "is that your way of volunteering to come fold laundry or cook dinner?"
Great posts! Welcome to the blogging world!
:)Amanda (just as random reader brought to you via a friend of your friend)

jerarbw said...