Monday, October 13, 2008

One Week Later......

Here is sweet boy Logan! He is such a good baby boy. He sleeps so soundly, wakes to be fed, could usually care less about his diapers and doesn't flinch at all when the screaming/fighting/playing of his sister and brother start or the barking of the dog. He has his awake times when he is busy exploring his world and loves to cuddle (especially with his mommy).

As for the rest of the family, here is the update:

LAUREN is having a little bit of a hard time adjusting. She absolutely adores Logan and wants to feed him, hold him, lay with him, and cuddle him. At the same time she is extra defiant, rude, wild, overly-silly and just plain naughty. I think that she is confused about Logan's arrival and about how her life has and will change. But I also think that she is vying for attention from visitors and the grandparents that we have been so lucky to have help us out. I know she'll be fine once we find our groove, but it will be challenging until then. Our neighbors have been so fantastic about taking Lauren over to play and last week she even got to go to the grocery store and to Wednesday night Sunday School with her favorite friends!

JOSH has really no idea what's going on. He acknowledges baby Logan and gives him attention, but really, he's just in his own toddler world. That's what is so great about having them close together - they really have no idea! Lauren was the same way when we brought Josh home. So, Josh is just Josh. He looks for Logan whenever he has not paid attention to him for a while, but give him some Mickey Mouse and a Matchbox car and he is good to go!
DIXIE SUE is crazy. Seriously. She has an attachment to Logan that we do not understand. She searches for him all over and gets very wild if she cannot find him. I took Logan outside on one of the warmer days this week for some fresh air and Dixie was right on my heels looking at me as if I were stealing from her! Then I came inside while my neighbor was holding Logan and Dixie ran from Logan's changing table to his swing to his car seat frantically looking for him - it was crazy! She's very protective of him. She was not this crazy with either of the other two kids.
As for MOM AND DAD, we are doing good. We feel overwhelmed at times as to what the future may hold, but we are trying to take it one day at a time and enjoy being in the moment with our beautiful children. And now to answer the question that we have been asked several times in the last week - when's the next one coming? The answer is we do not know. We wanted to have four children, but three kids in three year, two months is a lot to handle. We do not know if we will make it to four, but we are keeping our options open. Like I said, we are living in the moment for right now.
We so appreciate all of your congrats and well-wishes! Thank you to all for your kind thoughts. I will keep you updated as our sweet new boy grows along with our other two "babies" who look like giants now!