Monday, December 1, 2008

Lauren's Discipline Strategy

I overheard Lauren "disciplining" Joshua yesterday and I must say I was cracking up! Josh was sitting on the basement steps and Lauren was standing on a step below facing him. She had her finger a-wavin' at him and was speaking in a very harsh voice. But, ironically, he was laughing....I guess he knew she was pretending with him. Here's what she said:

You in trouble, Joshy.
You be naughty.
I cannot believe you did that.
I so disappointed in you. (which I've said to her maybe twice in her three years)
You not coming to my Izzy's birthday.
That's not okay and that hurt my feelings.
And you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about.

Wouldn't it be nice if disciplining could always end in the hokey pokey?!