Monday, June 4, 2012


On February 22, 2012 we welcomed Emma Louise Kraby to our family at 12:56 am!  She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long.  She has completed our family and we are loving every second of watching her grow and change.  Lauren wanted a sister very much and was extremely excited that she got one!  Emma just goes with the flow.  She is used to running errands, sitting at activities, being held by lots of different people and loves the busyness of the Kraby house.  She has been sleeping through the night for a while now, which is so wonderful.  Those weeks when she wasn't were really rough - trying to keep up with 3 other kids on little sleep was not fun!  We are so thankful that so many of our friends stepped in to help us out with the boys taking them for playdates so I could catch a nap with Emma.  And both Josh and Lauren love feeding Emma, which is very helpful to me when Brian is at work.  Lauren claims she wants to change Emma's diaper - I think we'll hold off on that one!

So now our family is complete!  I have those moments during the day when I look at my kids helping each other or playing together that my heart melts.  Of course, that is usually followed closely by a "that's not fair!" or a "I'm telling!", but I'm really trying to soak in those precious moments because they are fleeting.  Emma is 3 1/2 months old now and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone!  There are many moments I wish time would stand still - they are all growing up so fast!  For now, I will enjoy the summer I have with them all home, all still wanting to be with me (for the most part!) : ) 

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