Wednesday, March 4, 2009

To Nap or Not to Nap.....

We are in the middle of a transition here in the Kraby house. Little Lauren's nap time. What a double-edged sword. On the one hand, when she doesn't nap, she is a terror in the evening. From about 4pm until bedtime (which usually comes much earlier on non-nap days) she is terrible! She is mean, bratty, and generally unpleasant. She usually spends a lot of time in those late afternoons in her keep her away from us and to give her some time to herself.
However, the days that she does happen to fall asleep in the afternoon, she will not fall asleep at night. I don't know that I really care that much about the not falling asleep in itself because she does stay in her room. But she is a bear in the morning to get up, especially on school days. On Monday she took a nap for only 45 minutes to 1 hour and didn't fall asleep until after 10pm. She was a lot of fun at 7am getting up for school!
So, I guess it's time to completely give up the nap. I think I will miss it more than she will, but I'm still not totally convinced her little growing body and mind doesn't need it.
Anyone with any advice, please feel free to share!

1 comment:

Stephanie Balvin said...

I feel your pain. Izzy is the same way. We find that most days she doesn't take a nap and bed time is a breeze, but usually once a week, she will fall asleep during the day or at 4pm somewhere on the floor, but she needs to get recharged some how.
It's a tricky time for little Lauren to figure out. I bet she will want naps when it gets warmer out and we are all running around from 8:30am til 9pm. She will be exhausted.