Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Logan is six months old!

That's right! He's one-half year old! The last six months have gone by so incredibly fast, but at the same time it feels like forever ago that we brought him home. Here are his stats: 21 pounds, 30 inches long. He is a long boy! He's trying to roll over, but has only done it once (probably a fluke). He's just a chunky monkey boy, so he'll get there eventually. We're used to the babies with the extremely graduated large motor development! He's just the happiest baby, which we love! He does need to get better at the sleeping thing. He's doing a lot better than he was, but I think that we all just need some sleep. : )

1 comment:

Stephanie Balvin said...

I CAN'T believe this! Time for another! :)