Friday, February 6, 2009


I decided that I would make a list of my catch-phrases in our house as of late.
  • Stop bugging Dixie.
  • Please be nice to your brother.
  • Use your listening ears.
  • Use nice touches.
  • No hitting.
  • For crying out loud.
  • You're gonna be in big, big trouble.
  • If you do _____ again, I will take away your B (blankie).
  • If you do _____ again, I will take away your Lightning McQueen.
  • No, we are not watching Cars.
  • No, we are not watching Mickey Mouse.
  • Get your shoes and coats on.
  • Put your arms through your arm straps, please.
  • Stop hitting your brother.
  • Tell him/her how that made you feel.
  • Stay in your bed or you will lose your B.
  • Go potty.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Put your socks back on.
  • Give him his toy back.
  • That is hers.
  • Stop chasing Dixie.
  • Go downstairs if you want to run and jump.
  • Please don't color on the chairs.
  • We only color at the table.
  • We only eat at the table.
  • We do not jump on the couch.
  • Come here.
  • Sit down.

So, you get the idea. These are the things that are said MULTIPLE times in a day. This doesn't include the nice things that get said for doing nice things. These are the staples - like bread, milk, and eggs. I really try to be positive, but I get so unbelievably sick and tired of repeating myself!! I love my children very much. I also appreciate the time they are away from me as I can sit in silence and not have anyone saying, "huh?" or "what'd you say, mommy?"

1 comment:

Stephanie Balvin said...

I think we should challenge ourselves one day or week this summer to only say positive, nice, redirection things. You know I love a challenge. I wonder if we would have to repeat ourselves as much.